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Fast Track Friday:Reflection and Growth

Hello Friday, Thanks Be to God!! For Real!! So Many amazing things have happened this week. I pray you all are blessed, also. Philippians 4:13 I Can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Doubt, shame, guilt, lust, deceit=No Joy within Jesus Others and Yourself. God will allow tests with those closest to you so that you will overcome the enemy within your flesh and fellowship.  One Body! One Christ! Colossians 2:10 States,  and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.  The enemy attacks our right in Authority under God because he fell out of his place. In fact, he was cast out before he could even know that he was being casted out.  When you repeat the same thing over and over again expecting a different result- that my brothers and sisters is a cliche definition of insanity.  In all honesty, if we look at the definition insanity it's p
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Love & Reflection 😍

Do you ever wonder how you have gotten this far?   Praise God for those of us who know. For those that don't, I pray the Spirit of God blesses your soul and you run with the knowledge that the light of God is in you. "Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world." Let's take a look at Love and Reflection. Once every blue moon, (not the beer- I no longer crave hops and vitamin C. Just Vitamin C Lorrdt! Thank you Sweet Baby Jesus! ) I take time to give myself a deep cleansing facial. Shower, steam, extraction, scrub, lips, brows, nose, etc.. I spend a lot of time talking to God. Honestly, wondering about things that my diet keeps expressing itself through my pores. Jesus... Fix it! fIX ME!!!  Anywho, during the time of reflection, I see love. A love that I didn't know was working so hard to be released. If I look at my pores, it's the reflection of them that bothers me. Pores turn into pimples from oil, dirt, dead skin, and I'm

Introductions and Love

Hello ,  My Name is ( AN-gel -eh- kah )! Most people call me Angelica. I am a 31-year-old woman from The Land of Enchantment.  I can describe my life in one word- blessed. It took 25 years for me to even understand the root of the word..blessed. However, I journey through the beauty of the word, every day. That my friends, is my 10 am Conn3ction!  Whew, now that we got that over with! Aren't introductions just  fabulous !  ........No, but, necessary!  In all honesty, Life is full of I ntroductions and O pportunities . I, reflect... and ask, " Are you ready for them?"  One of the biggest journeys in my life has been love. ............. Let's break it down.  Love and Resiliency:  What in the world is resiliency? Seriously, I do not have time to break down all these "fancy" words----- I am 31 Years old and struggle with putting laundry away... and doing dishes....  Severe PTSD-- squirrel...I giggle... I am just making it KNOWN-- that struggle.... T